If you have a business or represent a client, whenever you need to do network marketing, business cards are an effective and elegant way to introduce yourself to partners and customers. Cards are used to remember who you are and what you do, they are a useful tool for anyone who wants to contact you and helps them get an idea of your professionalism.
Even today, in the digital age, they represent an important opportunity to make a good first impression, which is why they must be designed carefully and down to the smallest detail.
Corporate business cards are an expression of the professional and the brand he or she represents. Contact details should be enclosed in a small space, the structure should be simple and clear, and it is best to choose a font that in appearance and size makes it easy to read. Donโt forget leave the right line spacing between the lines.
There are several reasons to print custom business cards:
The colors, the graphics, the style and even the dimensions are all elements that together contribute to obtaining an effective product, capable of expressing who you are and helping the customer to remember the company you represent. It's a good idea to use the same brand colors, add your company logo, or go for custom graphics.
You can present yourself with elegance and give an idea of professionalism if you make quality business cards, printed on fine paper, pleasant to the touch and weighing more than 300 gr. The thickness of the paper helps to obtain a more resistant product, which lasts over time without ruining and gives value to your brand.
With Sprint24, choose between various types of paper: smooth, rough, matte, or glossy. If you want cards that stand out, you can also choose laminations, add ennobling or glossy UV details.
To insert your graphics, send us a file in PDF format and we will take care of the rest. If you don't know how to do it, check out our guide or contact our staff to receive assistance!
At Sprint24 you can order business cards in custom format or in portrait or landscape orientation and from a variety of sizes:
Personalized business cards are an effective way to network and boost your business. They help partners and customers remember who you are, especially if you choose a model that stands out, such as colored paper business cards or laminated business cards.
On Sprint24 you can configure yourself your business cards defining every detail yourself. To have a customized product you just have to follow the directions on the configuration page and set your preferences. Complete your order in just a few clicks and from the comfort of your desk. You can also count on Sprint24's support service if you want to request technical advice or an online quote check.