How to properly create files
Even though it might seem complicated, the creation of files for multiple-choice scratch cards is very easy and, thanks to our guide, it will be a walk in the park! You will have to create two files: one shall be named Layout.pdf, while the other one Scratchoff.pdf and both shall be set in the same way (i.e. format, bleed, crop marks).
1. Graphic file
The Layout.pdf file shall contain the graphic design of the answer under the area that can be scratched off. Remember to use a 30% black background right under the silver part to be scratched off and a 55% black text for the answer, so that you cannot see through it.
2. Scratch-off file
The Scratchoff.pdf file shall contain the silver/golden area to be scratched off. This area shall be 100% black
Download Example FileTHE ANSWERS
It is possible to divide the total amount of scratch cards, by choosing up to 6 different answers. Please send us as many layouts as the number of answers you would like to have (e.g. “10% Coupon”, “20% Coupon”, “Try again”, etc.). Please indicate in the name of the file the number of copies to be printed (e.g. 10Coupon_100copiee.pdf, etc.).
Scratch cards are cut individually, wrapped in cellophane and divided by kind for delivery. There is no randomisation of prizes in the packs.
As for any other printed product, scratch cards also have a manufacturing tolerance. If possible, we will indicate the wrong tickets so that they can be canceled. For this product, it is not possible to make prize competitions requiring an exact proportion among answers.
Always remember that your file has to comply with the following features that apply to every file:
- 1:1 scale and 5mm bleed for each side
- CMYK colour model
- High-quality PDF
- Images resolution: 300ppi
- Always check the internal security margins.
For the complete checklist please read out Complete checklist file
Do you still have any doubts?
Ask for our Professional Check
Creating a perfect print file is not always a walk in the park. This is why our support service is ready to help you. In the product settings, you can opt for our Professional Check. In this way, our preprinting department will thoroughly check and fix any problem, if needed.
Otherwise, contact us. We are always willing to resolve any doubt.
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